Polling for techcommunity user opinion - Who wants a mobile app for SoftwareAG Techcommunity???

This is to take users opinion on who all want a mobile app for techcommunity. May be with basic feature to search a question or post replies on a question?

Hi all,

The interest in a full mobile app is pretty small.

What we think is instead to improve the mobile version of the forums, as it’s a little outdated.
Are there any specific features you’d like to see?



Recently we did a redesign of the forum on mobile devices.
Now it’s easier to create new topics and reply to discussions. Categories are expandable and easier to navigate. Products can also be selected from the dropdown menu. You can search directly form the home page or in a particular forum.

Let me know if we’ve missed something or there is anything you’d like to see.

Best Regards

I’ve been enjoying the new layout for about a week now. Thank you.

This is much better now :slight_smile: