Hi I am using pipeline matching variable in TN FF Doc.
I am defining the Document Types in TN as TN_parms/Var1
I am also mapping it in service under TN_param doc while routing FF document to TN.
My understandings is when value doesn’t match, it should have some error but I don’t see any error. Can someone please let us know to implement it using Pipeline matching. Any help will be much appreciated.
Which routing service you are using? Assuming it is routeFlatFile only,
If yes, please set the TN_Params document this way:
wm.tn.doc.ff:routeFlatFile (pass input FF as ffdata stream,
TN_Params(SenderID,ReceiverID,DocumentTypeName) - It is CaseSensitive and see if this works TN should recognize the transaction criteria/payload.
Yes, I am using routeFlatFile only. Idid it through the same approach and TN is able to recognize document and working as expected.
My question is related to Pipeline matching variable that we define in MWS under TN.
Here in MWS, 200 value is defined for pipeline matching variable. I am also passing that variable under TN_Params in routeFlatFile with value 300. Since value is different, I am expecting TN should not recognize document or either log some error.
Here you may see that in above query I have mentioned like TN_parms/Var1 and in MWS, I have defined it like TN_parms/pipelinevar1. However please don’t be confuse with it. In actual implementation I have taken care of it.