Peoplesoft PIA Adapter 20 configuration

I installed the Peoplesoft PIA adapter and I can get a list of Component Interfaces - at least the ones that come with the Peoplesoft installation. When I select one of the Component Interfaces to try to generate a service, I get an error - “Cannot find Component Interface”.
I copied the file and the PSjoa files into the packages/WmPeopleSoftPIA/code/jars directory on the webMethods Integration Server 6.0.1 SP2 (IBM JVM 1.3.1). I have this system installed on AIX 5.2.00 SP2.

In Developer, I can run getCurrentToolsRelease (8.42.03). I can run getDefaultCountryCode (returns - “This service is disabled”). I can’t run getListofMethods - error 'Can’t find resource for bundle com.wm.pkg.PeopleSoftPIA.resources.PeopleSoftMessageBundle, key BASPSFT.0000.0012). Could this mean that the peoplesoft message bundle is not activated in the Peoplesoft server? or is this error related to not having the Peopletools code on page 54 of the adapter user’s guide?

I tried to Shutdown and startup the adapter (no errors but same results on other services). I tried restarting the Integration server too. Any suggestions? I would just like to create a simple service to prove that the adapter is properly configured at this time.

I looked in the GenerateService.dsp in the directory
<integrationserver>\packages\WmPeopleSoftPIA\pub to see why I was getting an error and I can see in the Java script where it is falling thru. If you have generated services with this adapter, please respond.
I can see that there are value=“xxx” clauses all over this page. It look like I have a version of this file that was not finished. I noticed that it was created on March 13, 2003. I got the same file in the Unix and Windows release of the PeopleSoftPIA 2.0 adapter and the Service Pack 1 does not fix this.
Has anybody has used the Generate services screen successfully? You must have a different version of this file. Can I see it?
I have informed Technical Support and I am waiting for their response also.

I finally got the WmPeopleSoftPIA adapter 6.0.2 (build 80) to work with PeopleTools 8.43.09 on IS 6.0.1 SP2.

To create a Peoplesoft Component Interface connection:

  1. Use Application Designer to create the source code for the Component Interface by using Build/Java API.

  2. Copy all the java source files into the directory:

  3. Compile the Component interface with all of it’s dependents into Class files using the psjoa.jar file.
    Use the command like this:
    javac -classpath <is>/packages/WmPeopleSoftPIA/code/jars/psjoa.jar *.java
    ex. I compiled as well as:

  4. Change the permissions on all the class files in these 2 directories:

ex chmod 777 *.class

  1. copy all the compiled class files into psjoa.jar one at a time (in AIX):

jar ufv psjoa.jar PeopleSoft/Generated/CompIntfc/ICompIntfcPropertyInfo.class

  1. Change the file to have a path to the psjoa.jar file.
    restart the Integration Server.

  2. In the IS administration screen - select adapters/WmPeopleSoftPIA
    Go to the Service Generation screen and Generate a Service from a specific component Iinterface and type in the
    component interface name and click Get the Operations.

  3. Create a Find function first. Put the service in an existing folder.

  4. refresh Developer and run a test and always select the include empty fields box.

oops, that last post wasn’t quite right. Here is a better version.
I think my biggest problem was a confusion about the 2 directories:

I also had to make all the class files in both of these directories executable and then put the class files from the directory
into the psjoa.jar file with the PeopleSoft/Generated/CompIntfc path included.

Here is what I did:

  1. Use Application Designer to create the source code for the Component Interface by using Build/Java API.

  2. Copy all the java source files into the directory:

Don’t change the files that came with the adapter in the directory:

  1. Compile the Component interface with all of it’s dependents into Class files using the psjoa.jar file.
    Navigate to the directory <is>/packages/WmPeopleSoftPIA/code/jars/PeopleSoft/Generated/CompIntfc
    Use the command like this:
    javac -classpath <is>/packages/WmPeopleSoftPIA/code/jars/psjoa.jar *.java
    example: I compiled as well as:

  2. Change the permissions on all the class files in these 2 directories:

chmod 777 *.class

  1. copy all the compiled class files into psjoa.jar one at a time (in AIX):

navigate to the directory <is>/packages/WmPeopleSoftPIA/jars
then enter the command;
jar ufv psjoa.jar PeopleSoft/Generated/CompIntfc/ICompIntfcPropertyInfo.class

  1. Change the file to have a path to the psjoa.jar file.
    APPENDCLASSES <is>/packages/WmPeopleSoftPIA/code/jars/psjoa.jar.
    restart the Integration Server.

  2. In the IS administration screen - select adapters/WmPeopleSoftPIA
    Go to the Service Generation screen and Generate a Service from a specific Component Interface and type in the
    component interface name and click Get the Operations (try all upper case letters).

  3. Create a Find function first.

Hi every body I need realy a help
I work with webMethods 6.0.1 and PeopleTools version 8.43.10
I copied the WmPeopleSoftAdapter in <is>/pacakage
and I want to configure a connection to PS8 via Webmethod Administrator

In The menu I select PeopleSoftAdapter after I chosse new Connexion
I setup my adapter environement like this :

1- I copy psjoa.jar to <is>\package\WmPeopleSoftAdapter\code\jars
2- I copy olso into <is>\package\WmPeopleSoftAdapter\code\classes
3- Igenerate a Conponent Interface Class Files (after compiling with psjoa.jar in classpath)
4 - I copy all files .java and .class into <is>\packages\WmPeopleSoftAdapter\code\jars\PeopleSoft\Generated\CompIntfc
5- I add my ComponentInterface (all files .class .java) to a .zip named and I put it into <is>\packages\WmPeopleSoftAdapter\code\jars

but when I want to enable the connection I have this error :

Error encountered
[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource connexion:ConnexionToPS8.
[ART.118.5036] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to configure connection manager.
[ADA.336.1021] Problem connecting to PeopleSoft server - check logs.

any suggestion it will be suitable

Ithink you need the new PeopleSoft Adapter 6.0 to use with PeopleSoft 8.43.10. The PeopleSoft PIA adapter 2.0 is a little older.

Did you use the AppDesigner to test your Component Interface before you tried to connect to it with webMethods? Can you connect to the same server using AppDesigner and the login / password you set up in webMethods? Did you specify List CI = false?

thinks very very much Jon!!
my connexion it’s enabled now
super !

Hello tbellamine,
So, what you did from all that Jon suggested and it worked for you?
I have the same error:
Error encountered
[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource CustomerConnections.PSAdapter:custGeneral.
[ART.118.5036] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to configure connection manager.
[ADA.336.1021] Problem connecting to PeopleSoft server - check logs

and I did specify List CI = false and it still does not work.

I am connecting to PS 8.20.11 with PeopleSoftAdapter 6.0.

Thank you.

Well, I have found the problem. PeopleSoft Application Server was not up.