I am building a custom java project and I need to use packages.createPackage() function. But how can i import wm.server.packages to my project. I really need this import because otherwise i cant build my jar :s
Can somebody help me out?
I am building a custom java project and I need to use packages.createPackage() function. But how can i import wm.server.packages to my project. I really need this import because otherwise i cant build my jar :s
Can somebody help me out?
Hi Robin,
Check the tutorial here [url]http://techcommunity.softwareag.com/web/guest/pwiki/-/wiki/Main/Import+an+IS+Package[/url]
May I know your requirement and the need for using the class “packageCreate” as this class is internal (depends on other clases in WmRoot and server level jars) and present in WmRoot, at this moment SAG does not provide any docs, these classes may change from version to version without any prior notification.
From your java code, can you call an endpoint ? http://localhost:5555/invoke/Default/packageCreate?package=Test1 as this will create a package called “Test1”.
I have created this endpoint service by wrapping the below services on IS and the same can be invoked via URL with proper credentials.
Let me know if that makes sense and if you have any questions.