PAC - Successfull transfer and User-id

Hello everybody,

I have a problem in PAC with my User-id to perform transfer of Natural Objects between our Development environment and our Integration environment.

That normally works for all my collaborators, and I have defined with the ADMIN Command a SYSPAC profile for my user copying the profile of one of my collaborators for which it works.
When I perform the same basic transfert as my collaborators with all opérations (authorise, Confirm, Submit), it seems ok, I have no error messages. But at the end of the process, when I ask for the “Migration Event Job Information”, I get the following windows in the attached file with ‘0’ in the ‘Natural Object’ field, and the object is not transferred in the target environment
The SYSSEC habilitations concerning SYSPAC and SYSPACA seems also ok.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?

Best regards

Marc Lavollay

Copie Ecran 4.docx (38 KB)

Don’t bother the situation.
When you run a migration in batch the status doesn’t change fast. Please press refresh until it is changed.

Hello Hardy and thank you for your answer !

But a refresh action can’t be the issue, all my transferring Jobs stay in status ‘Submitted’ since June and never arrive until ‘Completed’ status.

I think there is a permission problem (see the attachment file)

Best Regards

Copie Ecran 5.docx (13.1 KB)

Did you check that the JCL works correct? Please check your SYSSOUT.
We can reproduce the situation with an incorrect JCL.

Hi Hardy, there was indeed a problem with the JCL, which wasn’t generated with the good password for the logon SYSPAC library. W solved the problem.

Thanks for your support

Best Regards

Marc Lavollay