NTLM Authentification with pub.client:http service


We are facing an issue with the use of pub.client:http service and NTLM authentification :
We are calling a Rest API web service (Outlook Api), using the pub.client:http service.
We must use / set a NTLM authentification, to call the REST Api service.
In the inputs, we have to set the auth folder, like this : type = NTLM, user = domain\user and the password.

Note that the NTLM-native authentification is set in the Integration Server
Note that the REST Api calls with the domain\user are working fine using SOAP UI.

=> When we call the REST API web service : the windows account that runs the Integration Server is used to make the NTLM authentification, not the user set in pub.client:http input.

That’s a big issue, because we are getting information and credential not for the user we want (user set in pub.client:http input)

It seems that the auth information are not used (using a bad password has no effect, setting a wrong user etc. does not affect the result)

We have used the win32.ntlm:reg and win32.ntlm:unreg services to see a difference :

  • If the run the unreg service, we have an Unauthorized error

  • The auth folder info are set but not used

  • With the reg service, the API call is responding

but it uses the windows account that runs the Integration Server

=> How to « force » the Integration Server to use the user set in the auth folder of pub.client:http service **for NTLM authentification ?

=> Do we have to set anything else on the Integration Server (an extended setting for exemple) ?

Thank you for your help.

PS : Product used :

Product webMethods Integration Server
Updates IS_10.5_Core_Fix15