New version TWB

Here is the new version of Tamino Workbench.

I have added some extra functionality which you may find useful, viz:

1. Directly importing/exproting data to other databases
2. Some minor adjustments to the interface
3. Scripting environment for making adjustments to (a selection of) documents :wink: (you need to have some VBScript knowledge. Have a look at the documentation.)
4. Removing ino:id + namespace from current document, effectively copying the current document

Furthermore I resolved a few annoying minor things like CTRL-A for selecting all data (which was missing in the previous versions) and deleting documents by means of a XPath expression.

Have lots of fun!

Rudolf de Grijs
TWB_2_1.exe (1.19 KB)

Thanks for your quick response. Here is the bug fix release 2.1.2

Bug fixes version 2.1.1

1. CTRL-A did not work properly. Last line was not taken into account
2. Select all from menu. Edit control did not have focus

3. Import from filesystem did not work correctly

4. Added multithreading for importing/exporting documents

5. Reduced resource allocation by reusing objects. This should be further improved.

6. Import from an external database failed.

7. TWBObj has been extended with LoadDocument(uri), LoadFile(filename)
and Property TaminoUri, which points to the current URI up to the collection.

LoadDocument(uri) loads documents from a Tamino database and returns an
IXMLDOMNodeList, which can be empty if no documents are found. IXMLDOMNodeList
contains all selected documents. The uri may also contain an XPath expression,
e.g. employee[@department=โ€œsalesโ€]. In that case the query will be extended
to TaminoUri & โ€œ?_xql=โ€ & employee[@department=โ€œsalesโ€].

LoadFile(name) loads a file from the filesystem

TaminoUri contains the current Tamino url up to the collection name.


Kind regards,

TWB_2_1_2_patch.exe (1.21 KB)

Thanks to a colleague I noticed a very annoying error in TWB (i.e. Tamino Workbench) and it has all to do with propagating errors between threads within VB.

This situation arises if you type an illegal query. This will crash TWB (only TWB!). I just fixed it and here it is.

Furthermore I misinformed you about the name of of the object within the scripting environment. This is TWBDoc and NOT TWBOBj. Iโ€™m really sorry. I also adjusted the file that is used for the code insight.

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO INSTALL version 2.1.2 patch. You can install this one instead.

TWB_2_1_2_1.exe (1.2 KB)

Here is another small patch. This patch solves the problem that occurs if you want to fill in another URL to a database you want to export/import to. An event prevents you from changing this URL.
TWB_2_1_2_2.exe (1.2 KB)