NEE & Office 2007

We’ve very recently upgraded to Microsoft Office 2007.
I can successfully open reports I ran before the upgrade; however, when running new impacts after the upgrade and requesting reports in Excel 2007 or Word 2007, I get errors (document attached.)

The weird thing is that when I request documentation (Environment, Object Explorer, Object Documentation), NEE has no problem running the report and opening it in Word 2007 & saving it.

Could you please let me know what settings / profiles etc. I have to change (and where) to have NEE work smoothly again with my Microsoft office products.

NEE_Office2007_err1.doc (42 KB)

Hello Tilla -
The error that you see when using Excel 2007 was reported to development and they are studying the issue. I do not have an estimate as to when a correction will be available. As soon as we have a solution it will be made available.
Regards, Peter


NEE612 has a new macro for Excel 2007 in order to overcome the issue.

The Word 2007 issue I believe is the character ‘&’ in your impact description (needs to be translated in order to work correctly in WordML processing). Will check with dev, but in the meantime change the ‘&’ to ‘and’ and see if the issue is resolved.

Best Regards