NEE and Visio

Is Visio the only diagram software that can be used with NEE6.2.1.1 ?
If not, what can be used ?

VISIO is currently the main diagram tool for the Natural Studio interface of NEE. There is a SVG flow-chart also, but limited functionality.

However, have you seen the Silverlight Web interface for NEE in NEE62?
Worth a quick look to see if this might suit your requirements.

Was there another graphics package you were thinking of interfacing with?

Hi Brian,

Thanks, no not really, we had trouble with licences for Visio but it can be sorted if need be. Where can I get more info in regards to the Silverlight interface?



Sliverlight is a very short download from the Microsoft website.

I have just started to look at NEE and have to do a impact study on some of our functions to determine a timeframe and effort case. Is there some sort of short cut manual to determine this in stead of going thru the whole manual on the working of NEE? I am short of time.

There is no shortcut manual that I am aware of.
Have you tried requesting assistance from the Johannesburg office?
What type of impact study is to be undertaken?

We are running Natural on UNIX. We want to get an idea of the timeframe of putting our object thru NEE and how much work will have to be done after the objects has been put thru NEE to get the system working as currently is. The developers have not really adhered to programming standards so we suspect a lot of manual work will have to be done after wards. So ultimately we would want to determine if it is viable to go the NEE route.

Please send me your contact information as I suspect that this thread will become fairly lengthy.