NaturalOne crashes when editing bmodules with AIV variables

Im using AIV as static variables to reduce database and file access at runtime.
NaturalOne then crashes when i try to save the source.

Natural Designer 10.11
NaturalONE 9.1.4 Fix #18

The JVM returns the error code 805306369 which points to memory problems.

Has anyone similar expierences?
Has anybody a work around?
@SAG Is there a bugfix?

To work around this bug you must avoid structures.
Only define AIV variables that alloc bytes.

Example causing crash:
1 +SY4120SP-STATIC (A240)
2 ISSET (A1)
3 DATN (N8)

Example that the parser can digest:

01 +SY4120SP-STATIC-DATN (N8/1:20)
01 +SY4120SP-STATIC-WEEKDAY (N1/1:20)

Thank you for your attention.

I have no problem with your structure under Natural for Windows 9.2.1 or 9.3.1, so it’s either an issue with Natural 9.1 or Natural ONE 9.1.

This structure works fine on my NaturalONE v9.3.1 (fix #4) and v9.3.2 (fix #1), both on Software AG Designer v11.0

It seems the JVM error (805306369) points to memory issues. Here are some quick tips:

  1. Adjust JVM Memory: Increase the -Xmx parameter in JVM options.
  2. Review AIV Usage: Optimize your use of AIVs to avoid excessive memory load.
  3. Update Software: Ensure you’re on the latest versions of Natural Designer and NaturalONE.
  4. Check Logs: Review workspace logs for more details on the crash.
  5. Contact SAG Support: Report the issue to SAG with detailed logs and reproduction steps.

Has anyone else experienced this and found a workaround?