NATURAL Development Server crash?

We (St of New Jeresy OIT) are using SPoD and running NDV as a started task. It’s been running for over a year now with no issues. Then at 4:00AM this morning and then again at 8:20AM, NDV crashes with the following information:
13 08:11:09 00000008 ODBSCHE
00000008 NDV Error: PAL Error, RC:-10, ErrClass:0, Reason:1121
149FF400 Sys Error, errno:1121 errno2:0x74520442 EDC8121I Connection reset.
13 08:19:56 0000000D
0000000D NDV Error: PAL Error, RC:-10, ErrClass:0, Reason:1121
149E1800 Sys Error, errno:1121 errno2:0x74520442 EDC8121I Connection reset.Has anyone seen this before? Can you suggest where I might find “Reason: 1121”?

EDC8121I is an IBM error message from the TCP/IP layer. Google that for some links, but there’s likely some issue between your TCP/IP stack and the connection (routers, switches, firewalls…).

Reason 1121 resorts to the socket errno 1121, ECONNRESET → Connection reset,
errno2=0x74520442 → broken pipe

So as Douglas said, this is a connectivity issue.