NATURAL access to SQL Server

I recently downloaded the community editions of NATURAL and ADABAS. I had no problem accessing the ADABAS database. However, I am facing difficulty in accessing the MS SQL Server. I have the DBID and still I am unable to create a DDM in NATURAL. I guess the following error:

NAT6386 LOGON to SQL database failed.

LOGON to SQL database failed.
You specified an invalid user name or password.
Contact your database administrator.

Could anyone help me with this problem. Any tips on this would be greatly appreciated.

Accessing SQL databases requires Entire Access. I don’t think this is a part of the “community editions”.

Hi Mogens,
Thanks for the quick reply. Is there no way to get Entire access for educational purposes. I am a student and would like to access DB2 or SQL Server. Is there anyway in which I could acquire Entire under a community license? Any information on this would be beneficial.

Not as far as I know. You can talk to your sales rep. but he will probably not give it for free. :slight_smile:
I do not know who decides what to supply as “community edition”?