Trying to execute the NativeUISOAP example provided with the bedrock install on cloud instance (Image ID:ami-69b57300 Name:MobileDevelopKit_WIP_v1_1_2011728 )
Was able to import and build the example as well run Phoney- however when I try to run the example to get a stock quote it does not seem to do anything. Is this the extent of the functionality of this example. If anyone has any experience running this sample would appreciate your feedback.
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I haven’t run it on a device, as I was about to step out the door, but a quick look in Phoney is returning correct values for a variety of entities on the US market. I was able to get a few US Mutual Funds and also some company quotes that correctly verified against what was showing me in a browser.
The only thing that didn’t work correctly was trying to check SOW (I think that’s the Software AG ticker) which I believe to be on a non-US market. My guess is that the service that the sample tries to hit is limited to US-based funds/tickers, but that’s just a guess. I couldn’t think of any non-US ones other than SOW off the top of my head though and haven’t actually looked into that bit of code.