i have installed Mywebmethod server 7.1
while starting the server the service name webMethods MwS is not there in controlpanel—>adminstative tools—>services
and i tried in localhost:8585 page not dispayed because of server not running…
Could you please any one provide the solution for this??
In a command prompt, go to \MWS\bin and run “mws install service”
this will create a service under "controlpanel—>adminstative tools—>services"
then u can start it from there
Hi mja4wm,
while executing i am facing below error,access denied.
F:\webMethods7.1\MWS\bin>mws installservice JAVA_HOME: f:\webMethods7.1\jvm\win150 MWS_HOME: F:\webMethods7.1\MWS Error while checking to see if service is installed: Access is denied.