I have a problem starting mywebmethods server in trial version10.5, when I start MWS, it automatically stops after some mins. It would be great help if any body support me in the steps to configure MWS in webmethods10.5 trial version.
please let me know if more details needed.
I have configured External DB while Installing. could you please let me know how to run DB configurator as in 10.5 Trial there is no UI in applications, its through Command Prompt.
If you are using SQL then use the below command
dbConfigurator.bat|sh -a create -d SQLServer -c ALL -v latest -u -p -l <RDBMS_URL> -au <admin_user> -ap <admin_password> -n <database_name>
and for Oracle
./dbConfigurator.bat|sh -a create -c ALL -v latest -d oracle -l ‘<RDBMS_URL>’ -u <db_user> -p -au <admin_user> -ap <admin_password> -t