MORE prompt in WINDOW

I have created a window 14*74 and used WRITE using MAP with this window. There are 13 lines of text in my MAP (used in window). The MAP is LS=14,PS=75.

When I execute the window, there is MORE at the bottom of the window screen.

The same MORE prompt is not coming on my terminal where as this is displayed in my friends terminal.

Can someone help me to know the reason?

I guess I have set some TERMINAL/SESSION parameters ON/OFF to protect such things.


check your message line and pfkey display settings.

Hi Douglas,

Is there any special command to see all my terminal command settings?


The display of the MORE PROMPT is controlled by Natural Security:

NEXT, MORE line allowed … N

I guess, that your userid and the userid of your colleague are in different NSC-Link groups. Ask your Natural Security Administrator.

To see the settings of your profile, enter the command “profile” on the Natural main menu, then hit PF4 (“AddOp”), mark “Security options”.

Thank you Helmut for your valuable input :slight_smile: