Hello everybody ,
I am new to webMethods, in my workstation, I can connect several servers which all have the WmDeployer passake, but my Local Default server does not contain the WmDeployer package, is it because of the installation at the beginning or we can add it after.
think you
You can export the package and simply import it you wish.
Go to Admin page → Packages → Management
Then click on the archive icon on the Deployer row.
Copy the package to your local service and place it in the <SAG_HOME>/IntegrationServer/instances/default/replicate/inbound
On the local server, click on the “Install Inbound Releases” and pick the package from the list.
Hi Said,
when the different IS are able to connect to each other you will only need one IS hosting the Deployer solution.
Configure one RemoteServer for each IS which should be visible in Deployer on the hosting IS, incl. the own IS.
After that go to Deployer and install the WmDeployerResource package to all these IS.
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