I am working on Archiving IS Core Audit and Process Audit. In the documentation they mentions "[SIZE=2]When you installed the Archive database component, you also installed stored procedures for archiving or deleting data between database components installed in Oracle".[/size]
But I dont see any stored procedures, When I installed Archive database Component. Any one have any idea, regarding stored procedures to Archive Audit data…? Where I can get them ?
after completion of the database component installation, I see some packages, in the oracle. but I dont see any procedures.
I went back to webMethods/common/db/scripts/oracle/archive/21/create folder and checked whether there are any scripts for procedures… I dont see any…
I only see sql file to create tables and views and some files with .pkg and .pkb extensions.
so I wonder, whether all the archive procedure will be done with support of the code inside the packages…! or will there be any procedures I have to download seperatly from advantage…? or Do I have to install any Fixes for Monitor to see stored procedures in Oracle…?
I am facing the same behaviour while running it from DB configurator tool… packages are getting created but procedures are missing… did everything right so clues why its happening … anyone got solution for it.
Run installer, point to your existing installtion and check if there is any new database component build available higher than the one you have… if that’s the case update them.
On the other hand, do you get any error when executing the create option?
I m running on latest build and there was is no error in erorr logs (DB configurator) … guessing it can be issue with user previllages to this user account but i guess the user have DBA access, cross checking again
I have the same problem than you
dbConfigurator.sh -a create -d oracle -c ARC -v latest -l “jdbc:wm:oracle://:1521;serviceName=*;sysLoginRole=sysdba” -u username -p password
I don’t understand what i have to put in “serviceName”?
Thank you