Migration from 46 to 61


Could anyone has any approach document migrating from v4.6 to v6.1? if so, i request to share the same. Besides, also let me know what kind of precautions should we need to take while migration.



you can download the IS6.1 upgrade documentation from Advantage.webmethods.com.

also search this forum some discussions held on this topic on basic steps,precautions etc…


thanks for the information RMG.



could anyone answer the following queries:

  1. Converting all integrations from v.4.6 to v6.1 (update deprecated services to use new services).

  2. Converting all v4.6 “template” documents to use v6.1 flat-file schema

  3. Changing all of the pub:db services (execSQL, call, etc) in v4.6 to the v6.1 new JDBC pool connections.

  4. Migration of v4.6 Visual Integrator tool and convert all code over to new v6.1 Developer.

please let us know the steps to do.



  1. Converting deprecated services is usually involves replacing the deprecated IS 4.6 service with the corresponding 6.x service. In cases in which there is no replacement service, you will need to find another approach. The scope of this will depend on how many deprecated services you have and how widespread usage of any services that do not have replacements. You can use Developer to find references to a deprecated service. If you count the number of references you each deprecated service, you will have a place to start to build a development and testing estimate. []Not sure what you mean by 4.6 “template” document. []This will first involve building 6.x adapter services that provide the actions you were using the 4.6 WmDB adapter to perform. The effort to do this will depend on the number and complexity of the WmDB services. Again, start with a list of all WmDB services and estimate the complexity of migrating each one. Converting simple SQL select statements will go quickly. Converting stored procedure calls or dynamic SQL services will (probably) go more slowly. [*]The migration tools will help convert document types and basic functionality from 4.6 Enterprise Integrator projects, but not everything. As recommended above, read the 6.1 upgrade docs carefully and don’t start work until you understand what you are doing. I would recommend converting a simple project first then stop and refactor your naming conventions and approach as necessary before doing anything more challenging.




I hope you got enough information before migration steps takes place,as Mark sugessted.