Maping Out Step to In other step


i have two steps as follow:
step 1 :
Output : Document <id, name, address>

step 2 :
in : String <address_1>

how do i map the the address from the output of step 1, to the address_1 of step2?

For now. i create the same document for the Output of step1 and the Input of step2. but for this condition, i must change all of the service to have input with the same document<id, name, address>

thank you


I don’t find any complexity in mapping… it can be directly map Document /address to address_1[string]…


In step2 you must be refering to a IS service which requires string in as input. In this case step2 should take Document <id, name, address> as input. And build the process. It will generate the map step “SXX_Mapping” in the IS. You need to open and edit the map step genrated by the process.

Both above advices should be good enough for ur problem.

let us know if you still stuck up some where.
