Logical server issues and Deployer


We’re having trouble configuring logical-physical server aliases/mappings in IS. (Running Fabric 7.0 - ie IS 6.5, with Designer 7.0)

In our development environment we’ve used Designer to set up various logical servers which run different steps within a process model. *
But I’m not sure that these mappings are set up correctly.

When i use Deployer (v 7.0) to create a ProcessModel deployment set, Deployer finds unresolved dependencies with the packages used by the model, even though these were already added in an IS deployment set.
Further, if i choose “Add” to resolve the dependency, I get an error on screen:
Could not update package IndexDataFeeds version in deployment set. Please try again, or determine why package IndexDataFeeds or package version is unavailable.
and in the IS log:
Call to getConnectionInfo for system FactSet returned the following: 1: No physical server alias for logical server FactSet

I have tried searching forums for how to set up logical/physical server aliases, but it always mentions using WMAdmin package, which does not exist in this version of IS. (presumably functionality was moved to myWebMethods? but i can’t find any documentation about how to use it for this)

How can this be resolved please?

  • (Logical servers were set up in Designer, going to Window->Preferences->webMethods->ProcessDesigner->Logical servers). They are currently all pointing to a single integration server:
    Default → uklonsql005
    Incoming → uklonsql005
    FactSet → uklonsql005
    Statpro → uklonsql005

(uklonsql005 is the host name)

Try Interation Server web console
Packages > Management > WmDesignet > Home

had just found it this morning.

They could have made it a bit easier to find imo!

Thanks for the post. It helped.

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