LDAP configuration in API Portal

webMethods API Portal tutorial

This tutorial helps to understand how to make LDAP configuration in API Portal's UMC page and how a user can on-board via LDAP.

We will go thru the following steps in details:

  • Enabling LDAP configuration in UMC

  • LDAP user onboarding in API Portal

Enabling LDAP configuration in UMC:

1. Create a properties file with the required values for the LDAP properties. A sample properties file content is given below.

#User configurations
com.aris.umc.config.encrypted = com.aris.umc.ldap.service.pwd
com.aris.umc.ldap.recursion.depth = 0
com.aris.umc.ldap.auth.only = false
com.aris.umc.ldap.sync.skipOnFault = true
com.aris.umc.ldap.attribute.memberof.resolveOnFirstLogin =false
com.aris.umc.ldap.timeout = 180000
com.aris.umc.ldap.active = true
com.aris.umc.ldap.url = ldap://<ldap_machine_name>:<ldap_port>
com.aris.umc.ldap.backup.url = ldap://<ldap_machine_name>:<ldap_port>
com.aris.umc.ldap.service.user = <ldap_user_id>
com.aris.umc.ldap.service.pwd = 3c0686d54db6315106b4187d4b6905ed
com.aris.umc.ldap.searchpath = DC=ad\,DC=sag
com.aris.umc.ldap.user.searchpath = DC=ad\,DC=sag
com.aris.umc.ldap.group.searchpath = DC=ad\,DC=sag
com.aris.umc.ldap.filter.group = (&(objectClass=group)(cn=ARIS*))
com.aris.umc.ldap.filter.user = (&(mail=*)(givenName=*)(sAMAccountName=*)(sn=*)(!(sAMAccountName=test))(!(givenName=generic))(!(msExchResourceDisplay=Equipment))(!(msExchResourceDisplay=Room)))
com.aris.umc.ldap.referral = follow
com.aris.umc.ldap.pagesize = 9999
com.aris.umc.notification.smtp.host = <smtp_host_machine>
com.aris.umc.notification.sender = <sender_email_address>

2. Login to UMC, http://localhost:18101/umc and go to "Configuration" tab. Select "LDAP" option in the dropdown.

3. In the LDAP configuration page, click on "Import configuration file" option and upload the properties file.

4. Once the properties file is imported, value will be set for the properties in LDAP configuration page.

5. Click on "Test connection" button to check if the connection is valid.

6. Go to "User management" tab. Click "Additional functions" and select "Start LDAP import" option.

7. In the LDAP import popup, click "Start import" button.

8. Once the import is successful, LDAP users will listed under "Users" tab of User management page.

LDAP user onboarding in API Portal:

Note: When a LDAP user login for the first time, implicit on-board process is triggered, which will assign "API Consumer" role to the user.

1. Open API Portal landing page and click on Login button.

2. In the login popup, enter the user id & password and click "Login" button.

3. User will be logged-in to API Portal and will also receive email about the account creation.