webMethods API Portal tutorial
From API Portal 10.4 release, user onboarding approval process is enhanced to include multi level approval process. In this tutorial, we will explain how to create a user group in UMC, which can be used as approval group for user registration, other than the default "API User Registration Approvers" group.
Creating group in UMC:
1. Access UMC http://localhost/umc and login as administrator.
2. Under "User management" page, click on "User groups" tab.
3. Click on "Add user group" icon to create a new group.
4. In create new group screen, provide name in "User group name" textbox, description (if required) and click "Save" button.
5. In group details page, click on "Associated users" tab and click "Edit assignment" icon.
6. In "Associate users" dialog, select users with API Provider role in "Available users" section, move them to "Associated users" section and click "OK" button.
7. In group details page, click on "Privileges" tab, "License privileges" sub tab and click on "webMethods API Portal Viewer" checkbox. This will enable the group to appear in search result of Approval workflow.
Selecting approval group in workflow:
1. Login to API Portal as administrator.
2. Go to "Administration" page, expand "Configuration" section and click "User registration" link.
3. In "Define registration process" screen, click on "Approval required" radio button.
4. In "Level 1" section of the process flow, search for the group name, select it from the search result & click "Apply" button.
5. When a user do resigtration in API Portal, he will be on-boarded only after any one person from "Level 1 approvers" group approves the request.