Language Pack MWS / Localizing CAF JSF Libraries and wm_cafs

Hello everybody

I try to generate an italian language pack. I have found this tutorial:

I have done all generate-steps. But now I don’t know how to deploy it.

This files are generated by the ant script:

  • wm_cafshared_it.war_lp
  • wm-caf-bpm_it.jar
  • wm-caf-common_it.jar
  • wm-caf-jsf_it.jar
  • wm-caf-rules_it.jar

I put the wm_cafshared_it.war_lp in the deploy folder of the mws and all *.jar files in ‘wm713/common/lib’ folder.

Now the DateRange controll is in english and the datepicker (javascript) is in italian.

Has anyone a hint? I think the deploy step is the problem…

Thanking you in advance

From our I18N specialist:

Hope this helps,

Thanks for the reply.

I use the designer version 7.1.2, so I have to use this tutorial:


I don’t undertand the step “Republish your CAF Web application”. I don’t use “web application”, I use “Portlet Application”. If I deploy one of my portlet application, that a datarange control included, nothing happens. The labels are in english…

What are the steps for deploying a language pack without the designer?

You should place the jar files into MWS/updates and make sure you run mws.bat update in order to update the classpath. Any .lp file should be placed into the deploy directory.


It works !!

Thanks a lot!