JMS Properties in an MQ message

We are using the MQ adapter to put a message on an MQ Queue whihc is then taken off the Q by JMS. We are having issues setting the JMS_IBM properties , not knowing where exactly we have to set those properties within webM?
These are the specific ones that we are interested in…
Additional Properties:
JMS_IBM_PutDate = 20061206
JMSXAppID = Websphere MQ Client for Java
JMS_IBM_PutApplType = 28
JMS_IBM_Format = TE_CR
JMSXUserID = xworld
JMS_IBM_MsgType = 8
JMS_IBM_PutTime = 13394353
JMSXDeliveryCount = 0]
These are on a message that is being created by Crossworlds(which is what we are replacing)
Any help with this would be appreciated…

We are facing the same problem here.
We also want to see specific JMS properties.

Do you already have a solution for this problem?

I’m pretty sure that page 95 and 96 on the webSphere MQ Adapter User Guide explains how to add additional User-defined JMS Properties in the adapter.

I now how to add those specific JMSproperties (like JMSDestination,…).

But we want to add some extra JMSproperties like for example a referenceNr. And I don’t see anything about that in the documentation.

I think I’m understanding what you’re saying, and if you look at page 96, after the JMS properties, it explains how you can create user-defined properties to the JMS properties.


  1. To define new folders and properties, select the Insert Row icon .


[/size][/font]2. Enter the new folder and property. For example, enter “jms.usr.usr1”. The “jms” and “usr” are the names of the folders and “usr1” is the name of the property.
3. All the folders and properties you add will be under JMSProperties as part of the input signature of the adapter service.
