Integration server : version
webMethods adapter for JDBC: version
I’m trying to connect to a data warehouse called ClickHouse.
I have downloaded the ClickHouse JDBC jar-file, put it under /{is_instance}/lib/jars and restarted the server.
When providing my connection details and trying to test the connection in the Administration GUI of the Integration Server I get the following error message:
Error encountered
[ART.118.5011] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to create new connection test:test. [ADA.1.204] Cannot connect to the database with DataSource class “com.clickhouse.jdbc.ClickHouseDriver”. class com.clickhouse.jdbc.ClickHouseDriver cannot be cast to class javax.sql.DataSource (com.clickhouse.jdbc.ClickHouseDriver is in unnamed module of loader @7350a8a6; javax.sql.DataSource is in module java.sql of loader ‘platform’)
Hi Dave!
Thanks for the reply. I tried putting the jar-file under {is_instance}/packages/WmJDBCAdapter/code/jars instead, restarting the IS and reloading the package. Unfortunately I still get the exact same error message.
Thanks a lot @engin_arlak and @Dave_Laycock1. Totally forgot to update the Data source class…
Doing that I get a new error
[ADA.1.201] The JDBC DataSource class “com.clickhouse.jdbc.ClickHouseDataSource” cannot be instantiated. com.clickhouse.jdbc.ClickHouseDataSource
and according to the JDBC User Guide this error means that the JDBC driver is not supported.
201 The JDBC DataSource class ClassName cannot be instantiated. Cause: The instantiation of the JDBC driver’s DataSource class failed. Response: Use a supported JDBC driver
That is a bit surprising. I knew ClickHouse isn’t explicitly supported by the adapter, but I hoped it would work for you.
I believe recent versions of the adapter have some “generic” JDBC support, assuming the database and driver are standards compliant. For example, I was able to do basic CRUD operations with the Firebird database and driver, which isn’t supported. It didn’t raise that connection error.
assuming you are running the clickhouse-jdbc-0.6.2.jar as the Driver Jar, using the “com.clickhouse.jdbc.ClickHouseDataSource” class should work.
This jar should be working on any JVM version 8 or newer.
If nothing else helps, you should try to open an incident with SAG Support Team to clarify this.
Hello Holger!
Thanks for your response! I have tried the scenario that you are describing, but get the error: [ADA.1.201] The JDBC DataSource class “com.clickhouse.jdbc.ClickHouseDataSource” cannot be instantiated. com.clickhouse.jdbc.ClickHouseDataSource
I have also opened an incident describing the issue towards SAG support team and got the following response: ClickHouse is not a database supported by our webMethods Adapter 10.3 for JDBC, so we cannot provide support on this implementation.
eventually you can try a third party driver like the clickhouse4j driver, but this does not guarantee that this will work.
Additionally, you can try to connect via the WmDB package, which uses the Driver class directly without using the DataSource class. But this is a little bit more complicated in its usage.
You might want to consider to create an Idea in the SAG Idea Portal and ask to add ClickHouse support in a future release.
Thanks! Currently, I’ve created my own java service using the ClickHouse java client to connect to the database.
This works, but I prefer using the supported built in JDBC connections.
I have also created an idea in the SAG Idea portal, hopefully ClickHouse will be added as a supported JDBC driver soon