JDBC adapter to access VSAM on mainframe IMHO not possible

Hi. The webMethods GEAR 6 document “GEAR 6 Architecture Components Overview.pdf” mentions the following on page 9:

“Data stored on the mainframe in DB2, IMS/DB (hierarchical), or VSAM (flatfile) can be accessed directly through the webMethods JDBC or ODBC database adapters.”

I think this is misleading. I don’t think that webMethods JDBC or ODBC adapters can be used to read VSAM files on the mainframe. VSAM files are not flatfiles by the way.
If someone can tell me how VSAM files can be accessed using webMethods JDBC or ODBC adapters I’ll send them $50 bucks.



Maybe you could donate $50 to your favorite cause (wMUsers!).
Use com.ibm.vse.jdbc.VsamJdbcDriver on VSE. You can get the driver
on APAR PQ71095 at
[url=“Enterprise Business Servers | IBM”]Enterprise Business Servers | IBM

I also found a good quote at
The VSE Java Bean class library now includes a virtual storage access method (VSAM) Java database connectivity (JDBC) driver with a limited subset of SQL constructs. Java programmers can create applets, servlets, and applications that access VSAM data using standard SQL queries.

Also this:
Using DB2 Information Integrator Classic Federation applications can issue SQL SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE from ODBC, JDBC or a Call Level Interface (CLI) to access DB2 UDB, IMS, and VSAM mainframe data. Three optional features are available to provide these services for Software AG Adabas as well as Computer Associates CA-Datacom and CA-IDMS data.

Here is a sample java program.
VSE/ESA Connector Framework - Example Code

MODULE NAME : MpmJdbc.java

DESCRIPTIVE NAME : Shows how to issue SQL requests against VSAM data.


package com.ibm.vse.samples;

import java.lang.;
import java.net.
import java.io.;
import java.util.
import java.sql.;
import com.ibm.vse.jdbc.

public class MpmJdbc
// Default port number.
static String vsePort = “2893”;

// Names of the Clusters and Maps.

static String vsamCatalog = “DRV.CAT1”;
static String mpmcluster = “DRV.HISTORY”;
static String mpmMapName = “DRVHIST”;

public static void main(String argv) throws IOException
int num;
String drvhistkey, drvdlno, drvcitnbr,drvrcdtype, drvcourtstate;
String vseHostName, userID, password;
byte inputArray;

  java.sql.Driver  jdbcDriver = null; 
  java.sql.Connection  jdbcCon = null; 
  java.sql.Statement stmt = null; 
  java.sql.PreparedStatement pstmt = null; 


Thanks Jon. I knew the offer of money would bring a response
It’s good to hear that this is possible. I would like to hear if anyone is doing this in Production too.

