Hi All,
I’m developing a process where we use getXMLNodeIterator. here are the first basic 3 steps in my process…
We getFile (as stream)
Coverting xmlString to XMLNode
getXMLNodeIterator (with settings [B]criteria: Row ; movingWindow: true[/b])
I’m trying to Iterate over Rows tags in below mentioned xml formats, XML1 works. But XML2 fails on above step3 saying [ISC.0042.9007] Node is not XML
In my process, I’m getting xml from different source as defined in XML2 structure. How do I iterate over Rows if i get xml as defined in XML2 structure. i have to make XML2 structure work to iterate.
Is getXMLNodeIterator works for only structures as defined as XML1
Please help me.
Thanks in Advance
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" standalone="yes"?> dfsaf sdfsd dsfsd 123 232 23XML2:
<xs:schema id="Dataset" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _xsd defined here_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ dfsaf sdfsd dsfsd 123 232 23Thanks