Has anyone solved the problem as follows
I’m getting stuff out of Tamino and I’d like to do XSLT transformation on it. The language used is Java. The problem is that I can’t make Xalan to accept DOM-tree got from Tamino as a source. I’ve tried xalan versions 1.3 and xalan-java 2.2.D11.
With version 1.3 the error messages I get is like “Xalan with xercesParserLiason is unable to work with Node type of BasicDocument”
And with 2.2.D11 I get some weird exception? Here’s the stack dump:
– dump starts -----
at org.apache.xpath.DOM2Helper.getLocalNameOfNode(DOM2Helper.java:326)
at org.apache.xalan.templates.TemplateList.getHead(TemplateList.java:471)
at org.apache.xalan.templates.TemplateList.getTemplate(TemplateList.java:528)
at org.apache.xalan.templates.StylesheetRoot.getTemplateComposed(StylesheetRoot.java:707)
at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.applyTemplateToNode(TransformerImpl.java:2049)
at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.transformNode(TransformerImpl.java:1246)
at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.transform(TransformerImpl.java:504)
at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.transform(TransformerImpl.java:1174)
at test.tamino.testFrame.main(testFrame.java:139)
– dump ends —
So has anyone find some XSLT-processor which is able to work with Tamino-based DOMs without serializing them first?? Ideas and source code examples would be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!