Invalid userid or password at installaton time


I am trying to install the NaturalONE Community Edition , and during the installation process it is asking for the empower USERID and PASSWORD.
I get an error saying that my userid or password is invalid . I think the problem is that my userid in empower is not allowed to use the Software Download Center (SDC)

Can you please give me access to the SDC ? My userid is

Thank you .

Regards .

Can you please send your request to ?

Same issue with my id too. I have sent my queries to

SAG initiated “” for their SDC, where a separate registered Userid/Password other than “empower” one, could be used for downloads. Now, after merging this, the Empower is the only site for SDC. Typically, the Customer’s Support Authorizer requires to notify the SAG support or logistics center of the new Userids. After this confirmation SAG will reply with a initiation password, to authorize the SDC.