Integration Sever Start up Error

Hi Everyone

I just installed webMethods 64bits image and when I try to start up the IS I get this error:
Failed to process OOB file-change event on file 'C:\SoftwareAG\profiles

If anyone knows what it means please help

Can you provide the logs from start to the end so that we can see what transpired in the server start up.

Hi All,

I am also facing the same issue…

When i have restarted the IS… It is showing this error and IS is not starting…

Failed to process OOB file-change event on file 'C:\SoftwareAG\profiles

Please let me know if anyone knows about this issue…

is there any followup on this issue?

This is a very old post. Not sure if any one followed up.

What is your exact issue is it the similar error facing?


While installing the s/w did you encounter any errors ?
Can you also specify which version of wM did you install ?


I’ve attached the logs with the errors

thank you guys
recompile_layouts.log (1.33 KB)
sag-osgi.log (1.58 MB)
wrapper.log (253 KB)

another log
platform.log (207 KB)

log are not relevant to figure out the isuue. Check for Installation error logs

Since it failed at installation,try to do below. make sure you are using good image

In windows

Uninstall webMethods(failed one)
remove webMethods related registries(regedit)
Restart Windows
Remove SoftwareAG folder
Install again

In Linux

uninstall webMethods(Failed one)
Delete all folders(Software AG installed folders)
Install again

Yes re-do is the better option:

Hi Gad Salner,

The earlier issue reported were during IS startup. The error probably was extracted from server.log
at [ /IntegrationServer/logs/server.log ]

as mention at earlier post, if you find error during installation, please make sure you have got a good image.

Yes one should check the server.log or via command line start to get more info on the booting errors and check the install steps.