Integration Server inline templates


I am using CC 9.10 composite templates. I have been able to get the is-layer template working to install an IS.
I can also get the template to include a ‘default’ instance. All good to this point.

However I need to spin up a default instance that has Deployer and jdbcAdapter included.

If I add these items into my template, they are only installed in the root packages directory (eg IntegrationServer\packages) , not in the instance directory (eg IntegrationServer\instances\default\packages).

Here is an example of the ‘template’ section for IS in my composite template:

  is:                                              # template for IS
      "IntegrationServer/config/licenseKey.xml": ${is.license.key.alias} 
      "common/conf/terracotta-license.key":      ${tc.license.key.alias}
    fixes: ${is.fixes}
      integrationServer:                           # IS productId
        ${}:                     ### instance name
          package.list: WmDeployer, WmJDBCAdapter,WmNUMDeployer
          primary.port:     ${is.primary.port}    ###
          diagnostic.port:  ${is.diagnostic.port} ###
          jmx.port:         ${is.jmx.port}        ###
          license.file:     IntegrationServer/config/licenseKey.xml
          install.service: true
          db.type:         ${db.type}
          db.url:          ${db.url}
          db.username:     ${db.username}
          db.password:     ${db.password}
          db.alias: Default
          configuration:                                        ### CONFIGURATION definition
            OSGI-IS_${}:              # runtimeComponentId
              COMMON-MEMORY:                       # configurationTypeId
                COMMON-MEMORY:                     # configurationInstanceId
                  InitSize: ${is.memory.init}              # configuration data
                  MaxSize:  ${is.memory.max}
            integrationServer-${}:    # runtimeComponentId
              COMMON-WMMESSAGING:                  # configurationTypeId
                COMMON-WMMESSAGING-IS_UM_CONNECTION: # configurationInstanceId
                  Messaging:                                      # configuration data
                    "@alias": IS_UM_CONNECTION
                    Description: Default UM connection"
                    ClientPrefix: "IS_UM"
                    ShareClientPrefix: "false"
                    Enabled: true
                      "@type": UM
                      URL: "${}"
                      MaxRetryAttempts: 5
                      RetryInterval: 30000
                  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
                      <JNDI alias="DEFAULT_IS_JNDI_PROVIDER">
                          <Description>Default UM JNDI</Description>

Also, how does one find out what options are available in this template eg package.list



Hi Steve,

The template looks good and should work to update your existing instance with newly installed packages listed in package.list property.
Once thing that I noticed is that you have space between WmDeployer and WmJDBCAdapter. Not sure if this is critical or not…

To make a clean test you can delete your ‘default’ IS instance and re-run the template to re-create one.

how does one find out what options are available in this template eg package.list

In 9.10 you need to see look at the list of packages under IntegrationServer/packages folder after you install an Adapter or an IS layer product.

In CC 9.12 there is new Web UI that allows to to see the list and select the packages you want during IS instance creation or update.
