Installing Command Central and Platform Manager 10.7 on WSL2 Instances

Command Central and Platform Manager 10.7 now support the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2) as an experimental feature. You can install Command Central on a WSL2 instance that runs on openSUSE Leap or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Command Central works with remote WSL2 instances in the same way that it works with regular remote Linux installations on virtual or physical machines. This means that you can bootstrap Platform Manager remotely on one or more WSL2 instances that have an SSH server running in the same way that you bootstrap Platform Manager on remote Linux machines.

For information about installing and configuring WSL2 instances, go to Windows Subsystem for Linux Documentation | Microsoft Learn.

If you want to provide feedback on this experimental feature, go to the Command Central area in the Software AG Tech Community.

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