Install Centrasite behind reverse proxy


Centrasite 9.6 is installed behind a reverse proxy server (Apache 2.2). Is there somthing to switch in Centrasite configuration to setup the solution ?

Currently, the proxy server returns an Apache error page with “The requested URL /PluggableUI/PluggableUI/Login.html was not found on this server.”. It seems that Centrasite response provides a path to “/PluggableUI/PluggableUI/Login.html”. Is it possible to fix? Is there a way to switch Centrasite proxy configuration?

Apache is configured using the following settings :

   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^my_host_name$
   RewriteRule ^/my_root_path/(.*)$ http://host_name:53307/PluggableUI/$1 [P]

   ProxyPassReverse /my_root_path http://localhost:53307/PluggableUI

Declaring proxyName and proxyPort attributes in the CTP configuration file does not fix the problem.
