configuring proxy server for external Web Service access

I need to call external Web Services from behind our firewall - ergo via proxy server. I’ve tried the following:

1) add following to my repository

2) mofify the resin startup icon target:

“C:\Program Files\Software AG\Engine3.0\resin\bin\standalone.exe” -DproxySet=true

neither of these worked, the result is always:
(in the RESIN console)
[SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=Error opening socket: Connection
timed out: connect; targetException=java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Error op
ening socket: Connection timed out: connect]

My setup is as follows:

Tamino Mobile 3.0 (training cd from november)
Resin (also from the training cd)

calling a Web Service internally works fine (e.g. from EntireX XML wrapper + wsdl)

any suggestions?

it’s a bug, reported to dev