INOXRW8801 create index pending

Hello all,

“INOXRW8801: Request to create indexes for doctype DOCTYPE in collection COLLECTION is pending”

This is the error which I encounter when I try to recreate index for the DOCTYPE in the question. Even before this, recreation of index to this DOCTYPE failed with some memory related error. And in the documentation, the section “messages and codes” says “Start the corresponding admin command to continue or reset the index creation” as a solution.

Could anyone please explain me how to do this? That is, what is that command and how do I invoke it?

Best regards,

Hi Gopal

> “INOXRW8801: Request to create indexes for doctype DOCTYPE in
> collection COLLECTION is pending”
That means that you have started a command which left overincompletely [re]created indexes. There are two possible reasons:
(1) you issued _admin=ino:Recreate[Text]Index() for the respective doctype
(2) you updated the schema for the respective doctype and the schema update failed

> This is the error which I encounter when I try to recreate index
> for the DOCTYPE in the question.
You have to use _admin=ino:RepairIndex() (NOTE: “Repair” instead of “Recreate”)
with the “conrinue” or “drop” option.

> Even before this, recreation of index to this DOCTYPE failed with
> some memory related error.
Which error - do you have any details?

> And in the documentation, the section “messages and codes” says
> “Start the corresponding admin command to continue or reset the
> index creation” as a solution.
This is admittedly fairly irritating as it is a different _admin command
which is to be used - see above

> Could anyone please explain me how to do this? That is, what is that
> command and how do I invoke it?
Use _admin=ino:RepairIndex(“”, “”, “continue” | “drop”)
- this is documented in “X-Machine Programming” > “Maintaining Tamino Indexes”

Best regards

Hi Gopal,

Can you please send me the schema? I will try to create index and load the schema and then get back to you.

Best Regards,
Vipin Makode

Hi Uli and Vipin,

Thanks for your kind replies. I attached my schema. But note that in the mean time I trying the solution suggested by Uli.

Best regards,
KeggGenes.tsd (6.57 KB)