info only checkbox

How can i emulate the behavior of the info only checkbox via taminoapi?


The Interactive Interface info only checkbox implements the ino:explain function. To emulate it with the java API, just wrap your query with these strings “ino:explain(” “)”


Do you mean the “info only” checkbox in the Tamino Interactive Interface? This simply does an ino:explain. So to replicate this you do:

query = “somequery[@someattr=1]” ;
if (wantExplain)
query = “ino:explain(” + query + “)” ;

Hope this is useful.

(whoops : Bill just got there before me!!!)
Stuart Fyffe-Collins
Software AG (UK) Ltd.

[This message was edited by Stuart Fyffe-Collins on 19 Nov 2002 at 16:56.]

[This message was edited by Stuart Fyffe-Collins on 19 Nov 2002 at 16:57.]

Yes, i’m sorry. I forget to refer it to TII.