In built service to connect and fetch details from LDAP

Product/components used and version/fix level:

IS 10.7

Detailed explanation of the problem:

Hi Experts,

I would just like to ask if there are in built service that can fetch details from an LDAP connection. Example, user id, email, group, etc.


Error messages / full error message screenshot / log file:

Question related to a free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?

Hi Paul,

can you describe your requirement in more details, please?

Additionally check IS Administrators Gudie as well as MWS Administrators Guide for how to set them up Central Users Integration. In this case you would define a LDAP Directory Service, which can then be used in IS to add users/groups from MWS into ACLs on IS.

On newer versions of IS there is a package WmCDS, which can be used to connect IS to an external directory service.
I am not sure if this one already exists in wM 10.7.

On the other side you can check the IS Built-In-Services Reference for the services in the folder pub.client.ldap:* in the WmPublic package, if these might be helpful for your requirement.

Check with the Admin of your LDAP service, which informations you need for connect to the LDAP itself and which informations you are allowed to retrieve with this connection. This is related to privacy concerns.


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Thanks for the advice Holger. Our team was able to test that this service pub.client.ldap:search are able to connect to our LDAP and return the email address and other LDAP information as output.Thanks a lot.

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