If else and elseif

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Hi Experts,

I am creating a DSP and want to do a ifelse then elseif and else. I see there is a %ifvar% and %else% existing. How about for elseif?
Here is my scenario:

  1. If x=inputValue
  2. elseif x != inputValue
  3. else …

Is there a way to implement this. Thank you.

Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.


Use ifvar tag 2 times and then use else . Other wise u may go with switch case as well .
Note : DSP is no more supported I guess by softwareAG .So plan to upgrade your UI .

Just to clarify, DSP is STILL supported and quite useful for small administrative/configuration pages.
However, I would not recommend it for building complex front end applications, especially as it is very easy to host browser based apps by deploying your angular/react apps in a package’s pub directory.

But it is still documented, supported and loved by me.
John Carter
Product Manager @ Sotware AG,
Integration & Microservices


Yes ,very useful for small administrative/configuration pages and for POC puposes .

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