I have seen many examples of hybrid integrations from webMethods Integration Cloud to on-premise Integration server but there is no example of hybrid integration from on-premise integration to Integration Cloud.
Is this feature not available in Integration Cloud?
Do we have to use CloudStreams connector or direct API invocation from on-premise integration server for integration between on-premise application and SaaS application?
Ofcourse YES… there is already solution available for On-Premise to IC out-of-box and so you can either you CloudStreams (mainly for SFDC integrations) and so via the webMethods cloud section present in the Integration Server Admin portal (IS) configure your account that connects to your tenant up on (Integration webMethods cloud) and develop your local build services (API’s,microservices,rest services etc…) in on-premise and recipes (connector API’s) from source to target Integration applications in the IC.
The scenario in the demo is pulling product data from SAP and sending it to Salesforce at scheduled time.
I have requirement to send data to SaaS application using Integration Clound when the flow is triggered by SAP adapter notification on the on-premise Integration Server.
Expose your integration to be invoked over REST and call the same from on-premise service with basic authentication. Take a look at ‘Enable Integration to be invoked over HTTP’ option for an integration or look at ‘REST APIs’ support.