HTTPS Port Creation


We are doing some poc on https port creation for that i’ve generated privated key by using CertificateToolkit.While configuring the https port i had given the Private Key as ‘packages\Https\pub\S2.der’ but i didn’t specify any Server’s Certificate or Authority’s Certificate.
One morething after creating the private key(i.e. .der) using CertificateToolkit we’re trying to create .pem file for that i’ve given all information like email id but i didn’t get any response from VeriSign.

While enabling the port i’m getting the error like ==>Failed to start HTTPSListener@2222: [ISS.0070.9009] Error starting to listen:

Could you please let me know the process for creation of simple https port.



In order to start a HTTPS port you have to have a signed certificate and private key. If it is a POC you can generate a self-signed certificate using keytool or OpenSSL. There are some directions on advantage on how to do this.

– Tim

We encounter a similar issue on our new IS 7.1.3 on Oracle Solaris:

We have created a private key and a related csr.
This csr got certified by our companies CA-Department meanwhile.
Now we have converted the certificate to DER-format and were trying to enable the HTTPS-Port.

All settings are correct (we are working the same way on our HP-UX-Environments with the same IS-Version for 2 years now).

But we are also getting the error message described by Anil in the server log.
Additionally there is a message in the error log:

wm.server.admin:refreshCACache java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: NoClassDefFoundError

Any ideas?


This is the procedure we used for Aix.

  1. Create the keystore.

genkeypair -alias prueba -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 90 -keypass manage -keystore /sistemas/BPM/keystore/prueba.pfx -storepass manage -storetype pkcs12

  1. Export the certificate.

keytool -exportcert -alias prueba -file prueba.cer -storetype pkcs12 -keystore /sistemas/BPM/keystore/prueba.pfx -storepass manage

  1. Import to cacerts

keytool -importcert -keystore /var/opt/webMethods/v8/jvm/aix160_64/jre/lib/security/cacerts -trustcacerts -file /sistemas/BPM/keystore/prueba.cer -alias prueba

In Integration Server:

  1. Create a Keystore Alias.

  2. Create a Truststore Alias (Check if your certificate is in truststore).

  3. Add the new https port using the keystore & truststore recently created.

Hope this help.
