I’m dealing with SAG support for few months, to try to correct this error (please see below).
We had a lot of emails exchange… but unfortunately… they could not explain me what I have exactly to do to correct this problem.
I know I have to use the DCC tools and then update the “good” schema.
So I would have many questions to ask :
How to know and determine the schema to update ? (from the support, I have to update the ISCodeAudit, ISInternal schema → because same pool alias linked)
once the schema found, wich components has to be updated ?
using the catalog DCC option, is there any way to determine which version has to be installed for each component please ?
in “migrate” mode, does the “latest” version of each component can be installed wihout any risk ? this would be the more direct and simplest way to correct my problem.
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2017-07-16 15:23:03 CEST wm.prt.admin:delayedStartup
[PRT.0101.9358] Exception while executing SQL statement
Stack trace data ... cc229840-6b33-113c-9971-ffffffffdfa5 NULL cc229840-6b33-113c-9971-ffffffffdfa5
2017-07-16 15:23:02 CEST wm.prt.admin:delayedStartup
[SoftwareAG][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00904: "SERVERID" : identificateur non valide
Stack trace data ... cc229840-6b33-113c-9971-ffffffffdfa5 NULL cc229840-6b33-113c-9971-ffffffffdfa5
2017-07-16 15:23:01 CEST wm.prt.admin:delayedStartup
[SoftwareAG][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00904: "SERVERID" : identificateur non valide
Stack trace data ... cc229840-6b33-113c-9971-ffffffffdfa5 NULL cc229840-6b33-113c-9971-ffffffffdfa5
2017-07-16 15:23:00 CEST
Stack trace data ... 39067140-b455-1d82-90db-ffffffffdcce NULL 39067140-b455-1d82-90db-ffffffffdcce
2017-07-16 15:23:00 CEST mif.connection:oracle2
[ART.118.5013] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to find connection mif.connection:oracle2.
Stack trace data ... 0c9aab80-a3ca-19de-907b-ffffffffdccf NULL 0c9aab80-a3ca-19de-907b-ffffffffdccf
2017-07-16 15:23:00 CEST wm.prt.admin:delayedStartup
[SoftwareAG][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00904: "SERVERID" : identificateur non valide
Stack trace data ... cc229840-6b33-113c-9971-ffffffffdfa5 NULL cc229840-6b33-113c-9971-ffffffffdfa5
2017-07-16 15:22:59 CEST wm.prt.admin:delayedStartup
[SoftwareAG][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00904: "SERVERID" : identificateur non valide
Stack trace data ... cc229840-6b33-113c-9971-ffffffffdfa5 NULL cc229840-6b33-113c-9971-ffffffffdfa5
2017-07-16 15:22:58 CEST wm.prt.admin:delayedStartup
[SoftwareAG][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00904: "SERVERID" : identificateur non valide
Please note that the sometimes fixes are dependent with DCC Scripts.
So, please download IS core fix along with Database component configurator latest scripts using Update manager.
Use database component configurator to migrate the schema’s to the latest version (Select version as “Latest” and Type as “Migrate”)
By default, it will select the latest script to which the schema should be migrated.
in addtion to Syeds response:
Using the “Migrate” option to “Latest” is usually the best way.
Check the Readme of the IS Core Fix for Fix dependencies, the needed DC_DBS_Fix is mentioned there.
The affected schema can be viewed in the jdbc pool alias assigned to to ISCoreAudit resp. ISInternal.
When selecting PRODUCT “IS” instead of different Components, the components belonging to the Product IS are updated alltogether.
Syed, you saying I can download scripts with the Update manager ? I never saw them… I can see them in which directory of the UM ?
Holger,the most recent file found in “D:\SoftwareAG\UpdateManager\readme” is : DC_9.8_DBS_Fix12_wMFix.DatabaseScripts_9.8.0.0012-0037_readme.txt
So what this file is telling me ? that I have to update a schema ?
Can you confirm me, that I can always do “migrate” for each schemas without any risk ?
considering I’ve usualy launch the UM once a month to update each of my IS servers. may I considering lauching the DCC migration in blind mode (I do not have the time to verify each script to see if the update is required) to update databases in a quick mode ?
running migration to latest when the schema is already at latest stage will give an according message.
Usually the fixes for the products which are using database schemas refer in the readme section 3 (required fixes) which minimum version of the DBS fix is required.
In section 6 (installation notes) there is a point indicating the Issue which requires the updated database schema.
For IS_9.8_Core_Fix14 the DBS Fix 5 is the minimum version needed.
In the DCC-Tool you can check if a migration is neccessary by comparing the output of “print” and “catalog” types for each schema.
One is the list of latest versions available in the current DBS Fix being installed on your installation and the other ist the list currently installed in the schema.