You probably do not want to see the logon page in your subcispage control. To automatically logon either:
A) Define the user/password in your natsession
B) Use the same natsession id as for the outer page and set “Share session user” to “yes” in the session configuration tool.
Hint: the natsession id is case sensitive. So Workplace is different to workplace.
Did you set a PAGEID in your innerpage?
The NaturalAjaxDemos contain a sample with a SUBCISPAGE2 control. The Natural program is CTRSUB-P.NSP.
In ONE you can simply install the NaturalAjaxDemos from the welcome page.
Does this give you some hints what could be wrong?
yes - PAGEID is set
what is the function of PAGEID? It’s just set in the outer page as I can see from the example and nothing else?
I enclose my test programs and the xml definition of my pages.
the functionality should be if I click on a tab the inner page should be populated automatically
Usually you set a PAGEID. So, I guess you did it correctly.
I would be interested in your layout and code-snippets. Could you please attach the relevant parts? Then I can give you some hints how to trigger the intented refresh.
first - unfortunately ONE is still not rolled out - just for some pilot user - so I am still on SPoD
second - empower user are very restricted to a small group - so I can’t open your link
but third - and that’s on the one hand are good news - on the other not so good - maybe I could figure out what’s the problem
I seems to me that “GLOBAL USING XDAG00 WITH ROOT” isn’t working in SUBCISPAGE2
When I start the program/page directly I get this result
I have already found XCICONTEXT in the documentation but I wasn’t shure if I can use this as there is written:
“… between all pages running in the same session”
and you wrote that subpage is a different session therefore GDA doesn’t work.
So what is correct “same session/different session”?
One additional hint:
The NaturalAjaxDemos contain an example with SUBCISPAGE2 control using XCICONTEXT to share data.
The programs are: CTRSUB-P the outer page and CTRSBI-P the inner page
Even if you don’t work with NaturalONE you can still download the latest NaturalAjaxDemos project containing all the sources, layouts and documentation. You can easily copy the sample code into your Natural Studio if you are still working with Natural Studio.
yes - I found the example and where able to run it - unfortunately I have a little different situation.
I am starting from a rowtabarea (and there is no flushmethod like in the example) and open the fifth tab via the openedindexprop - in this fifth tab the subcispage is located and it should automatically start working.
So my questions are
(1) for the outer page: is there a special place where the XCICONTEXT has to be filled?
actually I fill it before opening the page with PROCESS PAGE
(2) for the inner page - where to place the reading of XCICONTEXT?
as in the example I placed them in the NONE VALUE part of the PAGE-EVENT-DECIDE but either the XCICONTEXT is empty or the NONE VALUE is not called.
And that’s one of my problems - how can I debug such pages? (without NaturalONE and no server access)