Currently ActiveTransfer does not have an UI to create a
backup (meant for deploying the assets to another environment).
To create a backup, we need to export the assets using the following service: wm.mft.admin:exportData
The exported assets will be written to a file in XML format.
And to import this backup file, we need to use the following service: wm.mft.admin:importData
(Input signatures for both the services are intuitive)
Thank you. I am able to export events now
However, I am testing my exported XML file if it could import in the Event Management.
I delete first the event and want to import it again.
I am using these inputs below (based on my exported file) but I am encountering some errors.
validation failed for the scheduled event.
The value is not valid:ScheduleFrequency,null.
Validation failed for the scheduled …