How to delete logs in IS using Shell script? Can anyone tell the scripting soon… Thanq
experiment with Unix find command
Be carefull you may need logs in near future for some analysis, so plan how old data you want to delete.
Login to Unix / Linux as user who is owner of webmethds installation directory
Use “cd ”
Use “pwd” to verify you reached correct path
Use “ls -l” to view all files in the log folder
Use “rm .log” to delete selected log file OR
Use “rm *.logs” to delete all logs in the logs folder, carefull there is no recycle bin in Unix / Linix.
A small addition to what atul_arvind wrote above
- Go to logs folder in IS.
- Run find . -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm -rf {} ; (to delete files older than 7 days. Replace 7 with no. of days of your choice)
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