Hi All,
How to create a Goto node in path procedure in Applinx 8.2 ?
Vamsi Krishna.V
Hi All,
How to create a Goto node in path procedure in Applinx 8.2 ?
Vamsi Krishna.V
Hi Vasmi,
It’s not possible to create new GoTo nodes in version 8.2.2. They were deprecated and will only be supported in run-time, for ‘old’ paths that were not converted to path procedures.
Any other way of achieving ?
Hi Vasmi,
First, I want to correct something in my previous answer - if you converted an ‘old’ path that had a GoTo node, you’ll continue to see it and it should continue to work. however, as I mentioned, it is not possible to edit or create a new one.
GoTo nodes were used to navigate between steps of the procedure. The new path procedures has new logical blocks that should help you achieve the same result without the use of GoTo nodes.
If you’ll share more of the use case we can try and help you more.