Path Based Table Replacement

We have an application built and run in Applinx 5.2.5. It has path based tables used for multiple screen collection, up & down, right & left. Now in Applinx8, they are deprecated and I am told that they will be supported in runtime only. I then should look at the documentation to see how to create a table from multiple screens. Maybe it’s just me, but I cannot figure this out. I have a Path converted to a path procedure and a path based table only usable in runtime. Can someone please point me to where this can be resolved. I have well over twenty of these to convert and 2 more applications that will need fixing for Applinx 8. APX 5.2.5 was so much easier.

Hi Joe,

Path based tables are deprecated as this solution has some major disadvantages. for example:

  1. You can’t get values from other fields (which not in the table). The framework method getTable only returns the table values from the path screens and not other screen’s fields which sometimes needed.
  2. You can’t manipulate table values before you send them to the framework.
  3. You can’t create more than one table in the same path

Therefore the solution (which already presented in V5.2) is to use path procedures.

To shed light on your confusion, in your current solution you used two entities for each table:

  1. Path – this one go through the screens workflow.
  2. Path Based table – this one calls the path and extract only the multiple fields (table) from it.

In the new solution you need only one entity Path Procedure which do the same work as both Path and Path based table.

Path procedures are totally flexible in term of the input and the output structures. It can be simple/array attributes, single/array(table) data structures and any mixture of those.
Path procedures have also stronger tools for controlling the host screens workflow in a clearer and maintainable way vs the old paths/path based tables.
You can see an example of using path procedure for collecting a table in CompositeDemo\customer\CollectAllCustomers Path Procedure, and in the CompositeDemo web application BrowseCustomers1.jsp/aspx and their code behind (cs/vb/java).

In your case you will need to do some manual changes to make the converted path to act as a path procedure that extract tabular data.
Please look at the section “Path based tables” in the documentation migration guide It contains exactly the needed steps to make it work as a Path Procedure.

I hope it helps
Please let me know if you need further directions

Best Regards,

Where can I get the CompositeDemo? It no longer comes with Applinx and we only have the older 5.2.5 versions.
Never mind, found it.

Like in v5.2 also in V8.2 ApplinX comes with 3 demo applications installed. I’m not sure why you don’t have them.
You can try to import them manually from ApplinX installation directory/host-applications (/CompositeDemo.gxar, /SOADemo.gxar, /InstantDemo.gxar).

For installing the web application demos see

Best Regards,


Please contact me as we need you to provide us with an example of this process in our system. We can provide you with all modules, but need you to help us with our somewhat convoluted system.


Hi Joe,

For this kind of support we have to go through the official support channel.
Please open a support request with the information until now and ask to contact with R&D.
