How to change Progress Image in Skin


I found 8.X there is progress.gif image to change in some Skins.
In 7.x how to change this progress image in pearls_electric_blue skin. I tried to create image in skin with the name progress.gif but it did not replace existing loading behaviour.


That skin and its parent does not define an image for a progress icon. You can only adjust the styles in 7.x

how to adjust the styles is it through color schemes or is there anyother way to do that. Atleast i dont want blue background while loading.

Have you had the chance to take any training? The basic CAF/MWS training covers some foundation concepts like Skin Development. Additionally, there is some documentation on the Administering_My_webMethods_Server.pdf that covers using the Skin Editor.

Additionally, in 8.2 you can create an MWS Skin Project in Designer where you can edit the skin directly in Designer.
