History of WebMethods

Hello All,

I am very new to webMethods.
can any one please help me understand more about webMethods History.

What is the main purpose of webMethods Intergration Suite?
On which specification that this webMethods Integration Suite has been implemented?
Is there any specifications defined for any integration tools?
Also would like to know how and when webemthods started?
Hiistory of webMethods and various phases that is has gone all these years till now.
We had many integration tools like Sterling Commerce GIS, Seeburger BIS, MS BizTalk Server, Oracle Fusion, IBM MQ Series, Inovis Biz Manager, TIBCO, Mercator etc…in the market. How is webMethods different from others? What is it’s performance and market share when compared with other integration tools? etc… kind of information.

ThankYou all in advance.

Your best bet is to read up on [url]The Web page cannot be found



As aditya told , better u can visit softwareAG website for webM product suite details…

U want to know why we r using Integration Tools like webM…? I advise to you, read the Introduction to Integration doc. This document will help you to understand a bit about all your doubts…
