I need a step by step method to install a soa gateway
Which platform / OS are we talking about ?
Thanks - Wolfgang
Hi Wolfgang
The OS is Z/OS on the IBM “Z” series
Ok, first of all, SOA Gateway 2.5.1. is out for a while now, I just haven’t posted the release notice to the forum because the documentation isn’t available yet on either documentation.softwareag,com or Empower, this is being worked on right now.
Are you trying to install v2.5 or v2.4 ?
Either way, the process for both is the same, as described here
* Install the Control Center (Eclipse)
* Deploy the installation files to z/os
* Review and submit jobs SOAGINS1 - SOAGINS4 - Start the server
Please let me know if you need more information re. any of these step(s).